Monday, 5 January 2015

Oral Presentation Rubric

 Oral Presentation Rubric: Show us Your Expertise!
Student Name: __________________________________________________
Date of presentation __________________ Title of work ___________________________
Preparedness and time limit
Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Presentation is 8 - 10 minutes long.
Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. Presentation is longer than 10 minutes long.
The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.
Presentation is shorter than 8 minutes.
Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Speaks clearly and distinctly most (100-75%) of the time and mispronounces some words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly most (100-75%) of the time, but mispronounces a lot of words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly for some (75-50%) time. Mispronounces some words.
Often mumbles or cannot be understood OR mispronounces a lot of words.
Posture and Eye Contact
Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room. Generates enthusiasm.
Stands up straight and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Sometimes generates strong enthusiasm.
Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact. Generates enthusiasm but it is somewhat faked.
Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation. Did not generate much interest in the topic.
Shows a full understanding of the topic.
Shows a good understanding of the topic.
Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic.
Does not seem to understand the topic very well.
Introduction and Closure
Student delivers open and closing remarks that capture the attention of the audience and set the mood.
Student displays clear introductory or closing remarks.
Student clearly uses either an introductory or closing remarks, but not both.
Student does not display clear introductory or closing remarks.
Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation. The ppp follows the 6 x 6 rule.
Visuals related to presentation. The ppp follows the 6 x 6 rule.
Visual is not well presented (too many words, spelling mistakes, blurred, etc) The ppp follows the 6 x 6 rule.
There are no visuals or they do not relate to the presentation The ppp does not follow the 6 x 6 rule.
Presentation has few mistakes and they don't interfere with comprehension. Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience
Presentation has a lot of mistakes that do not hinder comprehension. Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience.
Presentation has some mistakes that hinder comprehension. Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience
Presentation has a lot of mistakes that hinder comprehension. Does not use appropriate vocabulary.
/ 35

Writing a book/film review

Writing a book/film review

(handout for students in pairs or just project on the screen)
Follow these steps to write a book or film review.

Pre writing

Remember and take notes of the plot of the story. What impression did it produce on you?


       Introduction: give the title and author of the book. If you're reviewing a film mention the director or actors.
       1. Summarize the plot in a few sentences.
       2. Mention the setting: the place and time of the plot.
       3. Say something about the main characters.
       4. Say something about the content.
       1. Comment on the book or film.
       2. Let others know whether or not you liked the book/film.
       3. Why do you like it? Why don't you like it?
       4. Is the author's style good or bad, is the book / film interesting or boring etc.
       5. Do you want to recommend the book/film?

Post writing

Edit your writing.

Useful Expressions:

  Title, Author / Director, Actors
The film is directed by
The film is produced by..
It is starred by...
The book is written by ...
The action takes place in ... (setting)
The action of the film is set in ...
The story takes place in...
Characters and Plot
The main characters are ...
The story is about ....
The novel tells the story of ...
In the course of the novel the action develops dramatically.
The novel / film begins with...
The novel has an unexpected ending.
The end of ... is ...
I am impressed by
I think ....
The book is terribly / beautifully written
The film is terrible / exciting.
What surprised me is ...
What I liked is...
What I didn't like is...
I liked/didn't like the film / novel because ...

Planning a trip to London


Aquesta unitat didàctica ha estat dissenyada per a treballar les
quatre skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening)
El plantejament per sessions (d’ una hora i mitja) és el següent:

· Sessió 1: (a l’aula d’informàtica)
1-London quiz : qüestionari de 10 o 20 preguntes sobre Londres
(individual, per veure què saben de London).Es pot utilitzar com a
avaluació inicial.
2-Getting to know London: Reading (contestar preguntes sobre
diferents llocs turístics per grups, tot llegint textos en pàgines de
la xarxa) Webquest

· Sessió 2:
(a l’aula d’informàtica)
1-Song: London Listening.Escoltar una cançó dels Pet Shop Boys
que es titula LONDON i fer una activitat.
(a l’aula)
2-Roleplay(in a gift shop): Speaking .Després d'aprendre el
vocabulari bàsic de souvenirs, simular una situació real de compra
en una botiga de records de Londres (per parelles)

· Sessió 3: (a l’aula)
1-Writing a postcard: Writing.Escriure una postal al profe des de
Londres explicant com han arribat, el temps que fa i els plans per
a visitar la ciutat (ús dels temps de futur:going to/will/...) Els
alumnes tenen un guió per escriure la postal.

· Sessió 4: (a l’aula)
1-Confeccionar un London poster per grups on surti tot el que han
après o el que més els hagi agradat de la unitat.(Avaluació
· webs de turisme a Londres
· Cançó London dels Pet Shop Boys (MP3) I fitxa de
· Fitxa de vocabulari (GIFTS)
· Fitxa de lectura d’una postal.
· Fitxa de treball per a escriure una postal.
· Diàleg per a simular un roleplay a una botiga de


FILMS –SERIES                             ACTIVITIES &  GROUP PROJECTS

Compare two series (grid). ex. Season one of the
1. How many seasons does ...... have?
2. How many episodes does the first season of ...... have?
3. Which serie do you like most (comparison with funny, good, bad)
4. How many main characters are there?

General questions
- How many chapters does the first season of Modern family have?
- How many seasons do The Simpsons have? (they like to know things about The Simpsons)
- What do you know about the walking dead?
- What do you think Arrow is about?
- Can you name different types of series? Classify them.
- What is episode 6 of season 3 of the Simpsons about?
- Describe two of the main characters of your favourite series. (using personality and character adjectives)


1.   ppt presentation of cast (teacher)
2.   Describe the characters inside out, the way you think they will be
3.   Watch a chapter of the series and check
4.   Web quest.

In which village does the series take place?
When was the serie first aired?
In which decade does the series take place?
How many seasons does the series have?
Who are the main adult cast members?
Who are the main teenage cast members?
By whom is the theme song written?
What is the title of the theme song?
In  which countries is the audio dubbed?
in which countries are there subtitles?
What is the title of the British remake?
Did you like the episode we watched? Why?

Activities with songs


I don't like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats

Compare the same song with two groups,then ask: Which version do you prefer?
Do you know any other songs?
1-Lovesong   by The Cure / Adele
2-Fields of Gold by Sting / Eva Cassidy
3- Somebody that I used to know by Walk of the Earth/Gotie &Kimbra



The holstee Manifesto-This is your life
After watching the video you can ask them to make their own manifesto.

Watch video en vimeo of 3 friends ,they made 3 videos : Move, Eat, Learn
After watching the activity you can ask them about the countries.